1022 North Union Street | Middletown, PA 17057

Gratitude and Growth: Fulfilling New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors

Have you set new goals for yourself in the new year? Now is the perfect time to plan and start fresh.

Just because you’re an older adult doesn’t mean you can’t plan for the long term. Taking the time to focus on your overall health to live a healthy new year and beyond will make every moment from here on out more special.

At Diakon Senior Living services, we believe the foundation of an enriching life begins with wellness. We encourage seniors to prioritize their well-being by providing a wide variety of health and wellness programs, along with an exceptional dining experience, that help create simple yet effective lifestyle changes.

These changes come with many health benefits, including losing weight with regular physical activity, adopting a balanced and nutritious diet filled with fruits and vegetables, staying hydrated and ensuring adequate rest. Turning these daily lifestyle changes into resolutions contributes to physical health and fosters a sense of vitality and energy that you should do your best to be held accountable for.

Let’s explore some meaningful New Year’s resolutions tailored specifically for seniors, promoting physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Health and wellness resolutions for seniors…

Are you in need of some resolution ideas? We’ve got you covered with the following suggestions:

Get active.

Physical activity is one of the most important aspects of maintaining good overall health, especially as an older adult. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “Adults aged 65 and older need at least 30 minutes a day of moderate-intensity activity such as brisk walking, at least two days a week of activities that strengthen muscles, and activities that improve balance.”

Physical activity also prevents heart disease and helps you gain essential hours of sleep. Johns Hopkins Medicine says that “people who exercise regularly are less likely to suffer a sudden heart attack or life-threatening cardiac event.” Physical activity, alongside healthy eating, becomes much more beneficial. Talk to your doctor about what types of exercises and diet will work best for you.

Attend a social event.

Loneliness and isolation can take a toll on mental and emotional well-being. At Diakon, residents are encouraged to prioritize social connections by spending time with neighbors, friends and family members, joining community groups or clubs and actively participating in social events. Building and maintaining relationships is a powerful way to stay engaged and connected to the world around you.

And – in our new Greenwood Expansion at our Luther Crest location, there are so many ways to engage in an active and independent lifestyle.

Try something new.

Has there been an activity you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t had the time or the resources to do so? Don’t wait any longer! Learn a new language, pick up an instrument or visit a local attraction. The world is your oyster, and adding a spark to your life is the perfect way to make the New Year great.

Further your learning.

The pursuit of knowledge is ageless. Enroll in a class or explore the vast world of online learning, keeping your mind sharp and opening doors to new friendships and experiences. The possibilities for intellectual enrichment are endless in a Diakon community.

Relax your mind and body.

In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s crucial for seniors to prioritize moments of relaxation and mindfulness. Meditation, deep breathing exercises, gentle yoga or tai chi can help reduce stress, enhance mental clarity and promote inner peace.

Give back to your local community.

Engaging in volunteer work provides a sense of purpose and fulfillment. We connect residents with opportunities to give back to their communities through local charities, schools or other organizations. Volunteering benefits others and enhances one’s sense of accomplishment and well-being.


A clutter-free environment can have a positive impact on mental health. We recommend that you declutter your living spaces, organize possessions and create a serene atmosphere. This resolution for seniors brings a sense of order and can be a therapeutic and empowering process.

Do more of what you love.

Add more joy to your life by focusing on the activities and people you love the most. The more time you spend focusing on positivity, kindness, support and an uplifting environment, the richer and more fulfilling every experience will be. Detailing whatever you’re grateful for in a gratitude journal is also a therapeutic way to reflect on life.

Check out what Diakon Senior Living has to offer.

As you embark on a new year, these resolutions provide a roadmap for embracing positive change and fostering a fulfilling and vibrant life. By focusing on health, learning, social connections and personal growth, seniors can make the most of the opportunities the coming year offers. Here’s to a year filled with joy, growth and new beginnings!

Age well in the new year and beyond at a Diakon Senior Living community.

Diakon Senior Living communities focus on providing residents with a dynamic social life and opportunities for something new daily. Find your nearest Diakon community and begin your next chapter today.

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